Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Greetings and salutations.

This morning, I worked another shift at the funeral home--I think it will be a new thing when I work a shift at the funeral home and don't do something new! Anyway, today I:

* Worked the door by myself, greeting visitors and directing them to the appropriate rooms
* Worked two services at the same time and
* Worked my first traditional American service
* Had a conversation with a Catholic priest about something completely unrelated to religion

It was pretty interesting to see the American funeral--there were about 20-25 family members there, and the priest was just about the nicest, neatest man I've ever met. He was so nice and I heard more laughter coming out of the viewing room than anything else! Had I been working a full shift today, I would have been able to help prepare a body for transportation on a plane--but I imagine my day will come for that soon enough.

Oh, I also e-mailed a school of mortuary science to request information about their degree program. Hmmm....

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