Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Polishing my skills.

It seems to me that I bring an extra sense of peace to the funeral home, as every shift I've worked has been relatively slow (or so I've been told).

This morning, there were no services, no viewings, no death certificates to be signed or filed... nothing. So, in a fit of boredom and desperation to look busy, I grabbed a can of Pledge and a dustcloth and I dusted and polished pews in the chapel. It was kind of relaxing, save for the feeling of being watched by the nice lady laying out in her casket. (Yes, her eyes were shut, but she and I were the only people in the room. I think she would have approved of my dusting skills, though. I hope so, anyway.)

I also went to Home Depot with a co-worker and I purchased chandelier cleaner. This is not the kind of thing I have ever had the use for (nor do I think I will ever have the use for it outside of the funeral home, but I guess you never know--I could get rich and famous and have a crystal chandelier in my foyer one day).

So, even when there is absolutely nothing to do, there's something new to do at the funeral home, I guess!

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