Sunday, December 9, 2007

Lo, How A Rose E’er Blooming.

Ah, another day at the funeral home. I think I must be some kind of curse or something, because every time I work it seems to be a VERY slow day! I'm not complaining--I certainly enjoy being able to take time to get used to procedures without being thrown into things--but it's also hard to learn how to do things when I don't get to do much!

Nevertheless, I ended up doing the following new things today. First, I vacuumed the entire front hallway, from office to chapel. That hallway is huge. This took me almost an hour. Keep in mind that this hallway is only about 1/6 of all of the carpet in the funeral home. Then, I helped to set up flowers around a casket for an upcoming service. That was actually kind of interesting--it made me feel like I was somehow doing something for this person that had died, mainly because they were right there, open casket, etc. Hard to explain, but an interesting job. I also helped load mementos and flowers from an earlier service into the family's car.

Then came the scariest thing of all--I answered the phone about 4 different times! Luckily for me, I didn't get a death call, but every time that phone rang and I knew I had to answer it, I panicked! I also worked the door for a service (which wasn't new) and took home another batch of flowers (also not new). I'll be there 4 more times before Christmas, so we'll see what happens next!

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