Monday, December 10, 2007

Wishy washy.

I usually do not purchase suits, because they usually need something ridiculous like dry cleaning, and I usually do not have the time, money, or patience to deal with that crap.

Alas, I had to purchase a suit for use at the funeral home, and I made SURE to purchase a fully machine-washable one.

So, tonight? I washed a 3-piece suit in the washing machine and dried it in the dryer. And (1) It was free to do. (2) It did not come back to me smelling like a mixture of chemicals and smoke. (3) It came out smelling like my intoxicating laundry scent. (For those of you who have not yet discovered just how good your laundry can smell, I use Tide Simple Pleasures Lavender & Vanilla detergent and Snuggle Blue Sparkle dryer sheets. The combination is out of this world and lasts forever, and I don't normally like lavender!)

And the suit did not shrink and it did not ruin anything and it looks and fits just right. Hooray!

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