Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I decided that today's new thing would be something totally random. I drove home to Ohio for Thanksgiving, and while I had some ideas for new things on the drive home, I didn't feel like carrying them out. So, in a fit of desperation, I ran into the kitchen while my parents were prepping for tomorrow's big dinner. I spotted an open, half-used can of pumpkin on the counter.

"Hey!" I said. "I totally tried and liked pumpkin pie the other day, maybe I can try and like a bite of straight pumpkin!" Everyone in the kitchen ("everyone" being mom and dad) tried to tell me not to do it, that it might undo anything that the good pumpkin experience had done, but did I listen? No. I had to do something new, and pumpkin it was. Besides, pumpkin is a squash and I looooovvvvveeee squash. Right?

I gleefully spooned out a mouthful...

And then I ate it. I ate a bite of straight, plain, unmodified pumpkin right out of the can.

It took a swig of Dr. Pepper, a partial bottle of Redpop and some chocolate to get the taste out.

(Pictures coming soon.)

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