Thursday, November 22, 2007

Give a girl a knife...

And she'll carve a turkey. Or at least a slice of a turkey.

In all my years watching my family cook Thanksgiving dinner, I've helped out only a little here and there--assembling a salad or dessert, setting the table, taste testing the potatoes, important stuff like that.

Well, this year I decided I should have a more important role in the festivities, so I volunteered to carve the turkey. (I was very enthusiastic about this.) Well, the darn thing sure was hard to slice into any kind of manageable portion, so I carved one slice of turkey, happily handed the carving tools back to my dad and went about my very important task of finding festive apple-shaped bowls for the jello salad that I wasn't eating anyway.

(Pictures coming soon.)

Oh, and then I used a Christmas decoration as a mask.

(Those pictures are also coming later.)

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