Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Every day above ground is a good one.

So, today was Day 2 at the funeral home. And, boy, did I do a LOT of new things.

I attended my first funeral home staff meeting.

Then, I directed traffic for a funeral service.

After that, I went to the post office to pick up a flag for a veteran's funeral.

When that was done, I took a death certificate to a doctor's office to be signed. Then I filed the death certificate with the county board of health and got copies made for the family.

Oh... also... I went into the embalming room today and saw a man being embalmed and a man having an autopsy done.

So many new things today...! I imagine there will be a new thing every time I go there. It's going to be a fascinating job.

Like... can't I count these millions of new things and save them for days when I don't feel like doing anything new? *Sigh* I know that's not the point, but it seems like I should get bonus points for the whole embalming room thing. Right?

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