Sunday, November 25, 2007

Iced gingerbread?

I've certainly had my share of iced gingerbread cookies in the past. But I'd never thought to modify my VERY FAVORITE holiday treat--the Gingerbread Latte from Starbucks.


I love my gingerbread lattes. I have traditions that involve them, one being that I can never ever EVER have one before Thanksgiving Eve each year. I love them so very much, but they must only be consumed after the Christmas season has officially kicked in.

But sometimes a hot drink is boring in that I feel like I have to sip it and that I have to take a really long time to drink it all. I've tried some of my other favorite drinks iced and have had mixed feelings about them.

Nevertheless, I took a chance and I drank an iced gingerbread latte. Oh my goodness, it was so good. I still got the whipped cream on top and mixed it all in and it was delicious.

I won't give up my hot gingerbread lattes for the iced--December is usually cold enough to warrant the hot drinks--but it was a good alternative!

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