So, today, I broke my own picket line and I bought a vanilla Frosty.
I have now crossed back over the angry picket line and apologized profusely to the picketers, as they were right all along and I never should have wasted $1.49 on something that wasn't even as good as a cheap cup of vanilla soft serve from one of those Dairy Queen knock-off booths that only open during the summer (like "Cow Juice Princess" or whatever they call themselves). I didn't even eat half of it.
Lesson learned? I'm usually right when it comes to what foods I will or won't like, and I should totally trust myself. It would have been even more of a new thing had I been wrong about it and LIKED it, but alas... it is not to be. No more vanilla Frostys (Frosties? What's the plural of a Frosty?) in my future!
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